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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Upgrade of Classroom Building Half-Complete

Jeff and Sue say:
Improvement of half the original classroom building has been going on for two weeks of last term and five weeks of this one. It looks like we will be able to move back in next week. What an improvement has been made!
The original classroom building had four classrooms with a small bookstore in the middle. In the above picture you can see the the old classrooms at the far end along with the old bookstore. The two classrooms on the near end are being refurbished. The new building will be wider than the old one. This additional width will provide space for a larger bookstore located at the near end of the building and two smaller tutorial rooms. To do this, both the interior and exterior of the old building was removed. In addition, most of the interior studs were taken out.  A new larger roof has been installed with ceilings underneath. This will keep the classrooms cooler

This picture is looking at the same side of the building from the old classrooms. You can see the nice new siding and coat of paint on the building, poles and walkway. More lighting has been added along the walkway and inside the classrooms.
This is the opposite side of the building. You can see that the old part of the building, on the left in this picture, is narrower. The wider building will have more spacious classrooms. In addition, we hope to have a computer room capable of supporting 32 computers. So wonderful!

Neither of us will teach this term in a new classroom, but we will be relieved to have the noise of floor sanding and hammering finished for a while. Classes have been meeting in a conference room, the library, on the stage in the auditorium and in another large meeting room.

The other two classrooms and the old bookstore in this building will probably be upgraded next year. We are thankful to volunteers from New Zealand and our own workmen for the fine new rooms that are ready to use.  


Jan said...

This is really neat to see! I remember talking to Garth about this a year ago and we were brainstorming. I just wish the overhang on the south side was a little deeper to block more of the sunshine. Are there shades or curtains in the classrooms?

Pair O' Grafs said...

Right now there are no curtains or shades in place. Maybe Jenna and the student wives will make some for us.