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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Prayer for Healing of Jeff's Arm

Jeff writes:

I fell hard on my right elbow during the Kokoda trek and basically shook it off and kept going.

However, for the last five days or so an infection has set in. I may have ground some dirt under the skin or something like that. (I don't think that I broke my elbow.)

Currently, I am being treated with a powerful antibiotic, one used to heal staph infections that cause boils. I am now into my third day of taking it, and the arm is still painful, achy, and swollen.

A veteran missionary tells me that these infections are not uncommon here and that they are curable. This was good news because early on as the swelling spread and the pain got worse I had visions of losing my arm.

Having said the above please pray that the infection will be eliminated so that I can return to full functionality. So far I have not had to miss teaching any classes, for which I am grateful.

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