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Monday, October 11, 2010

Ministry Weekend

Jeff writes:

Last weekend our cell group went to a local church in a nearby village to minister. The students put on a wonderful program.

After being introduced by a church elder, they ran the service. We have a particularly talented cell group this year. The music was led by four members of the CLTC music ministry, all talented musicians. We taught the congregation a new song.

This was followed by a short drama about the "Good Samaritan." Guess who got to play the donkey? (Please no jokes about that role being perfect for me!)

Ezekiel (pictured above) preached on this story and emphasized the need to serve our neighbor, who in this story is actually one's sworn enemy. As a Papua New Guinean he could and did say things that a missionary would not be able to speak about. It was a powerful sermon, and he received many loud responses and an ovation at the end.

We left feeling that the Lord had been honored.

On to another matter ... the answer to our snake question is it appears we may have been right. It was a death adder. Our area leader Tom concurred with our identification. He said, "Glad you didn’t step on it. 2 or 3 a year die at Suabi (where he used to live) from death adder bites."

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