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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Closing Up Events

Sue says:

We're half way through the last term of the year. Graduation will take place in five weeks. Those will speed by full of closing up events.

One of our goals is to have all the students in our cell group over to our house for dinner. These guys on the right are the last group, the single guys. The two on the left plan to graduate. One asks God to use him as an evangelist among the people of PNG. The middle guy leads the youth in his settlement outside Port Moresby. The man on the right is an instructor at our CLTC Moresby center. He is getting more training at our Banz center.

We have an unusually large group of students, about fifty, graduating this year. The above students had just given their testimonies in chapel. At the time I took the picture, the faculty and student body were praying God would use them in His service after graduation.  

We faculty members interview the students in our cell group each term. We pray with them about their needs. The student pictured left had her need for school fees met by a member of one of our supporting churches. She will graduate soon. One of the possibilities she is considering for her future is nursing training.

A fun event that began in the last week is a table tennis tournament. The first round has a number of faculty members pitted against students. Jeff was so determined to take part, that he played left handed (because his right elbow is the one with the wound). He was a good sport even though he was eliminated in the first round (seen below). His wound is healing quite nicely, though.

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