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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Missions Week!

Sue says:

Once again it is Missions Week here at our Bible college. This special event is designed to let our students know what missions opportunities are available, to inform them what the Lord is doing in the nations of particular focus and to involve them in praying for God to build His church in the nations.

The logo for this year is above. The focus on Australia included reports from Serving In Mission (SIM), Australian Indigenous Mission (AIM) and Youth with a Mission (YWAM). As usual, it was an active, joy-filled week.

A highlight for me was getting to see two graduates who returned for the events. Biangkape, left, was an honors graduate in 2006, our first year here. She and I worked on and prayed together all that year about her thesis. Since graduation she has taught in a Bible school in West Papua, the Indonesian province in which Melanesians live. Because of political unrest there, she has returned home. She is now heading to Malaysia for nine weeks of Global Evangelism Training. She is seeking God's guidance about which Asian country is most in need of her.

Priscilla received her Christian Education Certificate in 2007. I taught several of her classes while she studied here two years. She recently was appointed the chairlady of women's ministries in the 13 local evangelical churches in which her language, Yongkom, is spoken. What a delight to hear how these two are continuing to disciple others who will themselves continue this process.

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