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Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Is Risen!

Sue says:

The campus denominational groups have joined together to enact the different events of Jesus' last supper with His disciples, betrayal, trials, death and resurrection. How it helps us to be able to see what actually happened.

This morning at 5 we were witnesses to the events surrounding Jesus' resurrection. How it cheered our hearts, even at that early hour, to hear the familiar statement and response, "He is risen!" "He is risen indeed!"

Down Under it is autumn now. The flowers for Easter here are not what Northern Hemisphere folks are used to. In the tropics it is rainy season. And a seriously rainy one it is here. Amaryllis, lilies (the one above is called Naked Lady because it has no leaves along its stem), poinsettia, chicory and some others are known as Easter flowers here.

Wherever you are celebrating The Resurrection, may the truth that He is risen dawn on your soul with new wonder.

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