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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Third Week of Fourth Term Activities

Sue writes:

It's already Wednesday here. While carrying on with our courses, we are also putting in work on the Graduating Men's Retreat which takes place on the week-end.

Jeff is leading it up. He's working on the schedule with the students and a co-worker. He has lined up the principal to speak and chosen a movie or two to watch with the guys. A hike is planned for Saturday afternoon. Communion together Sunday morning.

I am learning lots of new things about how to cook for the 25 people who will be attending.

First, there was a discussion about whether to get meat birds (young chickens) which can be roasted or the older breeder birds which need to be mumued to tenderize them. The workers solved that one for us. They chose to bring us breeders. Live ones. The student wives killed and plucked them for us. I didn't look. But I will need to take four of the dressed ones up to our our house when we walk up tonight. The fridge in the college meeting hall doesn't work. Who knows what we'll do with the retreat refrigerated items for the week-end.

Then I had to arrange transportation to the open-air market in Banz for fresh food. At first I was told I had to go at 7 am Friday when a bus was taking someone to the airport in Hagen. But I have an 11:30 class to teach, and that vehicle wouldn't come back by then. So the college will allow two student wives and I to ride in Friday afternoon. The Highlands wives will come with me. They know how to choose good cooking bananas. And they don't have qualms about asking the vendors to lower their prices if they are too high.

We are having lots of papers to mark and a going away dinner for a short-termer who has helped us out. Please pray that we will rest in the Lord for our strength and that as glitches pop up we will see our service as an offering to Him.

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