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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Term Hits Fast Forward

Sue writes:

It's that time again. The time when the term at the Bible college goes into fast forward mode.
Usually it's in the last couple of weeks of a term. But this term, maybe because we missed a week when we were blocked by the landslide, it seems to be "hurry up" already in the third-from-the-last week.

So I haven't said anything about the hospitality night that was last week yet.

It is always a pleasure to have an opportunity to get to know just a few students at a time. Last week we hosted students from three different provinces on one evening. When we ask a question, people from each province will have another custom or experience to report. It was fascinating to hear about hunting cassowaries, birds about the size of emus, but colorful. Evidently they are fierce fighters, attacking those who wound them. On their feet, they have razor-sharp spurs which they use to slash anyone or anything that would hunt them.

Here are our guests for the night.Donley and Reicy and their family
Keleba and Jason from Western Province

And say, I couldn't neglect to salute good ol' Saint Patrick. He really was a person to celebrate--though he would not be pleased with most of our celebrations of him.

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