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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mac and Cheese Prayers

A Bowl of Common Comfort Food
Jeff writes:

Macaroni and cheese is a pretty common dish.

Sue and I made some today. She coached me from the couch, and I was her arms and legs in the kitchen. Mac and cheese is one of Sue's comfort foods. She is not really getting any better, so we thought a little bit of kindness in a bowl couldn't hurt.

Prayer is like that. It is common, and it brings comfort. We are always free to draw near to the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace at the time of our need. And the God of all comfort will comfort us, so that we can comfort others with the comfort with which we have been comforted by God. Nice eh?

So, we thank those of you who have written telling us of your prayers. This news has brought us comfort. And we urge you still more to keep up that uncommonly good but common work as you continue to remember Sue in your prayers.

Blessings to you all ....


C.A. said...

Sue, so sorry to hear that you are so sick! When I had dengue I remember feeling like I would never be normal again! Sounds like Jeff is taking good care of you. Watching and praying for some news that you are improving.
Carolyn Anderson

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, so sorry to hear that you are not well, especially with winding down and all you are probably trying to do. I had malaria many times especially when we lived in the Sepik area, but I would agree with your friend's comment here that dengue fever was by far the worst thing I ever contracted. Only time in my life I thought I'd die!! And, yes, hoping to hear news that you are recovering. Hey, it sounds like I might be "solo" expat meri with you leaving, and Michelle, and Jan going to Uka. and Marion going home! I'll miss you gal's company!