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Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday Musings

Jeff writes:

This morning the college community celebrated Good Friday with a special service. It consisted of a lot of singing, special items including some drama, and many songs in Tok Ples (village language). One of our master's students preached a sermon on John 13:21-30. Instead of being like Judas who spent time with Jesus but ended up seduced by Satan to betray Him, the preacher challenged us to wholly commit ourselves to Jesus as Lord.

I have been invited to go preach an evening Good Friday message to a special gathering of several local churches. The message will be more of a Bible reading that describes the last two days of the Christ on this earth. In it I have synthesized the four Gospel accounts into a flowing story. Since Melanesians are an oral people, I hope that this story will resonate with them.

After the message the church leaders plan to show the Mel Gibson film The Passion of the Christ. More than likely there will be hundreds of us huddled around a small TV screen to watch it. Afterward we plan to give an altar call.

Sue's condition has improved somewhat, but she will not be able to come with me to the village Good Friday service. Yesterday, her skin turned yellow, and we went back to Kudjip Hospital. The doctor now thinks she may have some form of hepatitis. We will know for certain next week after all the blood work is finished. She still needs a lot of rest, but she is keeping her food down now, so that is a praise.  Please keep up the good prayer work!

Easter Blessings to all of you!

1 comment:

EG said...

Glad Sue is keeping food down now - hopefully that will give her some strength to fight whatever this is. Prayer for you guys and the doctors. Happy Easter!