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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kain kain hevi i kamap, tasol...

Sue says:

This Pidgin title means "All sorts of troubles exist, but..." You may have seen the title without any text another day. The satellite connection was particularly bad that day, and I wasn't able to post. That wasn't one of the troubles I had in mind.

You may have read another recent post about the trouble with village people thieving and then killing a security guard at Ukarumpa. Our situation has escalated to a serious injury of one of our guards and a robbery on campus in which a number of villagers took part. Please pray for our leaders as they deal with these villagers who are also demanding that they be our security--after they behave as they do.

There is also a serious matter with a student who is supposed to graduate, but may not be allowed to. Please pray humility will grow in the life of this student.

Remember there is a "but" in the title of this article. We don't like to keep talking about these negative things, though they are a factor here. The "but" is that there to introduce the contrast that positive things could result from these negative events. Our prayer is that God's ways would increase in our own lives and in the lives of those to whom we minister. Sometimes this comes about through problems such as these and others we have now. Thanks for sharing in our troubles. May knowledge of God's wonderful help come as a result of them. Thanks for joining us in prayer.

There are other really great things going on here. I will make an effort to write about the joys next post.   

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