Jeff writes:
I am running here in Lae in the early morning to get in shape for a September hike on the Kakoda Trail.
As you know it is hot and humid here. The morning temperature is in the 80's, and it is the most bearable time to get out. Staying hydrated is important, and I think I have discovered the perfect sports drink - KULAU!
Kulau is water from an unripe coconut. According to an article I read in the Washington Post the other day, I discovered that it is becoming the sports drink du jeur for American athletes. A single serving is low in calories and very high in potassium plus electrolytes.
The great thing about drinking it here is it comes in its own easy-opening coconut. Use a trusty bush knife (machete) and remove the outer shell by cutting a round hole in it. Carefully puncture the inner shell, and voila coconut water.
Sue is holding one we just pulled from the fridge. This coconut held a liter of thirst-quenching goodness. The best part is the price. While a can of coke costs a dollar here, these babies run 40 cents a pop for three times the amount of soft drink. Great deal eh?
Missionaries have to be careful of their budgets you know, so the Lord provides many ways to do so and stay healthy at the same time.
God is good. Isn't He?
You're right, coconut water (which is all they call it here) has been popping up lately. I was watching a documentary on Coca Cola's business strategy and I believe they acquired one of the companies that make the little coconut water juice-boxes.
PS - No machete required. They should put that on the packaging!
Yes Jeff and Sue, God is good! All the time!! All the Moe's are fine. I hit my 30th year serving Uncle Sam so I can retire any time. I keep telling Debbie I can be with her 24/7 but that does not thrill her. Ha! My Pastor wants me to retire and become the Assistant Pastor of our church. I have also been licensed to preach, which in the SBC is the first official step in becoming a Pastor. We love you guys! Ed and Debbie
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