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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Northern Virginia Team Gathers

Sue says:
What a great day! It blessed us deeply to get to report to many of our mission team members from Northern Virginia yesterday. Of course the kids have changed a lot, but the adults have too. Hannah and Steven graduate from college this spring, and Rachel (and Kaitlin?) from high school. Keston is about as tall as his dad. And what is the Lord doing in the lives? We heard some heartening stories. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Faculty and Staff Recognized

Sue says:
A gathering was held this week to recognize faculty and staff of the Bible college and seminary for their years of work. Some have been here as little as five years, and the man in the back row center has taught Greek Exegesis 42 years. We salute them, and thank the Lord for the way they have built into the lives of many.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

You Know It's Spring When ...

Sue says:
Ahh, yes. You know it's spring when the lawnmowers come out. An intriguing event occurred today at the Bible College. A team of about 50 employees of a lawn mowing company received training on our campus. First they all took turns mowing the huge soccer field. Then at lunch time, they got to play soccer on the field. Seemed fair.

In cross-cultural communication classes, the students are reading case studies taken from different mission situations, such as a missionary has been taken hostage or a pastor has beaten his wife or a new convert is being dissuaded by his unconverted parents from going as a missionary. They are writing fascinating papers on how to apply Scripture to particular customs that may be a unique challenge to that culture. There is no one right answer, but a number of Scriptures that may apply. A helpful exercise!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day to Remember

Sue says:

With multitudes all over the world, we remember today that our Lord is risen from the dead, just as He said. We thank Him for offering peace with God to all people. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Slogging Away at the Course Work

Sue says:
It's that time in the middle-to-end of a semester when everyone suddenly realizes s/he had better apply her/himself  to academics to be able to finish strongly.  The students are discussing together the papers they must write. I'm thinking about a book critique that's due next week for the Social and Cultural Foundations for Counseling class in which I'm a student. And student case studies I need to mark for missions classes. Jeff is writing course assignments for a block class he'll teach on Intercultural Studies in the summer term. Busy bees here. Bzzzzz.