Jeff writes:
The last two weeks of our final term in Papua New Guinea literally flew by. We send our apologies to those of you who regularly follow our blog, but to say the least we have been busy. It is no small feat to leave one home and get ready to move to another 10,000 miles away.
There were many heart-wrenching farewells. Our friends and neighbors hosted us for one fantastic meal after another. We reminisced, laughed, cried, hugged, shook hands, and laughed some more. We said our farewells, shared prayers, encouraged others and were encouraged ourselves. Five-and-a-half years had come suddenly to an end. My, oh my!
As I write this we are in Singapore. We came for a few days of R&R prior to a 22-hour airplane ride that will take us to Los Angeles. After a two-week stay in California, we head east where we will land in Washington, DC. After visiting our former pastor and his family there, we head for Blacksburg, VA, where our children live. Lord willing we will be able to continue our ministry for one more year as Missionaries in Residence at Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary.
For now, enjoy some of our farewell photos.
Dinner with Andira's Family |
Sue Received a Gift from Therese Kaetavara |
Our Neighbors Give Us a Farewell Dinner |
Farewell Meal at Warala Church |
We model presents given by Jennifer and Matthias Koim. |