The road to Lae contained some challenges. At the bottom of Daulo Pass the mud on the road was a foot deep. A similar situation was found near Kassam Pass. In the Markham Valley water was running across the road for a ways. Rainy season remains just that in the mountains.
Last Friday, the welcome was hearty as we pulled into the Lae Centre. Around our flat Thelma has placed little cheery touches: ginger flowers on the kitchen table (see below), cute little throw rugs, a colorful dresser scarf and quality cookware.

That night the staff prepared a dinner so we could all spend time together.

The Lord had mercy on us our first two days here. It was cloudy and rainy, and therefore it was cooler. Thanks to the many who prayed for us.
We're adjusting to the changes in a new location. There are frequent power outages due to a tower in Markham Valley being downed by the heavy rain. Classes started yesterday. It was a blessing that we had power for them. We hear more students will be joining us as time goes on.