Blowing Bubbles in the Backyard
Jeff writes:
I am sorry about the long time between posts. We have been back in the US for over a week now. As you know we were not able to post as often while we were in Port Moresby because of restricted internet access. Our excuse for not posting sooner here is we have been having too much fun catching up first with Sue's parents in Fresno and now with our oldest son's family in Blacksburg, Virginia.
We have some praises for a safe trip. We adjusted well to the time change while in California. The three hour difference between the east and west coasts of the US turned out to be another issue, but now we are fine. So far I have a cold and that is all. I have until next Tuesday to see if malaria shows up but so far no signs. Sue is doing fine. In Fresno the Bridge Church said hello. We will be welcomed by Blacksburg Christian Fellowship (BCF) on Sunday at a special potluck lunch after church. It is good know that people here have been praying for us as many have told us so.
Sue and I will present an overview of our ministry tomorrow at BCF. I will preach at their Chinese fellowship on July 12 and during the main services on August 2. Please pray that we will be able to humbly and ably serve these fine folks.
The photo above and the one below were taken today of the two of us enjoying our grandson. We have another grandson on the way in the next week or so, so remember to pray for Ellen as she awaits the delivery.
Golfing Buddies